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2004-12-21 - 12:56 a.m.

God send me an angel from the heavens above.
Send me an angel to heal my broken heart, from being in love.
'Cause all I do is cry. God send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes.

My new favorite song. Meep. I so love it.

Christmas soon. Only a few days to go now. I can't wait. x_o mom is worried, tho. The things she ordered hasn't arrived yet. Something must be wrong.
And wtf does that mean? Do I have to wait till after Christmas to get it? That sucks.

Angel danced. Wesley too, not that it matters. Angel danced. Hehe. I laughed. I'm so gonna record that on Thursday.
Bro Andreas and gal Mabel is here now. We picked them up three hours ago. It's awesome. I've missed him. Hehe. I just glomped him, and then I basically hung myself around his neck... my feet not touching the floor. He was like... "ehh. Bungo.."

I've sent the Christmas gift to Q now as well. Since it's Monday it should have been sent off by now. So she should get it any day now. I'm sure it'll make it until Christmas. It's not going far. Yay. I just hope that she'll like it now.
I'm really curious what she bought for me. It's quite big... but if you shake it slightly, it doesn't make any sound at all. Seriously. What's in it? Paper? Or is the box itself the gift? Maybe it's a special box? A pretty one?
I can't wait to see what Andreas and Mabel bought for me either. We talked about it... but it just ended up as a mess. So I don't know which of the things they'll give me.
She saw my Beyblade poster today too. I told her that Q bought it for me, and she mentioned that BB is really big in China. Well, duh. Of course it is. And aww. I almost get slightly jealous. It's not all that big here in little shit Sweden. That sucks.

Is it Christmas soon?!
But evil... I want my gifts! I want Buffy!
...The dvd XP

Woho. I had to take a paus from the Naruto mangas. But now I'm back at it again. Reading and reading. I'm on volume thirteen now.

x_o I was just pulling the covers away from the bed when I got an sms, too. It was from Can. In english and all. apparently something big has happened. She's all hyper. It's something good. I wonder...
Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow! She said she'll try to call then. I.. I hope... no. I.. Ooh. I wonder if it is what I think it is.

Mom's back is killing her, so I am letting her sleep in my room. I have a better bed. And I'll sleep in the computer room/guest room. Andreas and Mabel is taking mom's room, 'cause she has a double- king size bed. There's two of them, so makes sense.
Kai got to see my first serious art yesterday.

Awesome. She edited it for me. Now it looks so cool.
She said it was my second serious art. Then I asked her which was my first... and she didn't remember. But I figured it out. My first serious thing was Bame. I drew Bamse!

Anyway. Should sleep.
No plans for tomorrow. But, I'll mingle with bro and his gal I guess. And mom's off work. Then Can will call I hope. So, I guess that is a miner plan for the day. I'm totally gonna make bro and Mabel watch Once More, With Feeling as well. Either way... I will stop writing now. Gonna read this chapter of Naruto. Then I'll hit the bed.
Well XP Not... hit the bed.

What the hell.
Good night.

Maccaronii over and out.

<3 BB yaoi! Woho!

...Ignore that.


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