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2004-10-09 - 00:07 a.m.


Haha :D :D Golly, golly!! I GOT A BEYBLADE POSTER XD

Now it's official. I like bb. :P Ok? Don't hate me XD It kind of sucks that it counts as a kiddie show and have Swedish voices, though. But yupp ;p I love it.

So sue me >.<

Golly XD Can't believe my luck! Q was right. It -is- a perfect gift. I love it, Q XD

Oh. Yah, and I got other pretty stuff as well. *yays* I got pretty flowers and a vase ("you -broke- the vase" XD *flashback from a hilarious fic*) :D and I got a cute cow plushy to cuddle with. *cuddles* and a new book I'm gonna read :D
...AND I got PERVOHUNDEN!! XD (The perv-dog) Hahahah! I love him! XD thaaanks dear Hoggylists! That's the best thing I've ever... XD Yeah. Sounds strange. But he is awesome! Hehe. You couldn't have found a better thing to give me. He is the perfect memory of you guys. :D It reminds me of good times and it makes me smile.

*cuddles her poster until the glass breaks* So does this! x) I'm gonna hang it up on the wall over there *points* It'll be the very first and last thing I see at day/night. Woho! *obsessed* :p

<.< Hey. No Supreme Kai online. Kai, get your ass online ^^' I bloody well read your diary. I need to talk to ya. O.o and where's Marty? :O Haven't talked to him for a while. Blah.

YAYNESS XD *huggles her gifts* :p so what? ^^; I', hyper again. I'm happy.
Angst free tonight. Pure happyness.

Lols. *insane* *goes to cuddle her gifts again*

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