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2004-10-17 - 6:39 a.m.

Hey, mates.
First; some logic.

Later is later. Later is not now. Since later is later, later can be everything from next second to years from here. Hence later is almost whenever you want. Except now.
Later is everything but now. Later is not the past, either.
Conclusion: later is the future


Did you know that milk is evil?
Why? Well, it's all very logical. Milk is evil 'cause it comes from cows. And cows are evil 'cause we eat them. Therefor we are evil because we eat them.
Pure logic.

Did you know that there is a logical difference between being evul and being evil as well?
Now you know.

Hurray then. *cuddles* That's good.
And tonight I got this thing... hm. A little "what if tomorrow never comes"-thing. So I told Kai something. X) She told me to lay off the coffee, whereas I answered. "X) I don't even like coffee. But ok."
Then the conclusion came that we were both weird.

Getting a bit tired now. I think I'm going to sleep soon. I'll record Beyblade as usually. :3
Btw, I mailed Gilmo a few days ago. We're talking again. Neither one of us understands why we lost contact like that.
But I suppose... if we -really- think, we know why. It was 'cause she she was banned from Hoggy, by her mother. Evil mother of doom >.<

This Buffy season is evil as well. DL and I talked about that. Dammit. Bad season.
Q might record all the BB from Cartoon Network if I buy the tapes. I'm obsessed. I know. it would be really awesome if she could do that, though.
And there was some stupid word I was going to ask Kai about. How to spell it. But now I can't remember which word. Dangit.
Can is comming here in two weeks. Can Kelpii. She's nice. I can't wait to meet her. Gonna be awesome.

That reminds me. Awesome... Ooh, boy. *clucks her tongue* Kai found... *just realizing this is going sound so confusing* ...Kai found a pic of Kai.
A pic of Kai from BeyBlade. It was from G revolution. Pure hotness. Kai is hot OO; *sigh* BB's Kai that is ;)
She made me hyper by showing me that, and some other pictures. I drooled non stop. *is pathetic. I know*
Shiver my timber! *looks at the picture again* mwaa. *melts*

I made a stupid doll as a joke, too. S'for my OC in BB. Then my friends made their own versions of her :) Kawaii.

I better sleep. It's passed seven a.m. now.
Whatever, though. It's not like it matters. I have nothing important to do anyway. My days are just boring, frosty and filled with fog. Why should I get up in the morning and complain all day when I can sleep it all away, and have a perfect night instead? No way.
Suckers. I know I should turn my days back to normal. I did... for a while. But like I said. It doesn't matter.
Why fight to be a zombie at day when I can actually live at night? Blah.

One friggin' hour. I'm a lucky bastard. -.- *sigh* I'll manage.

I like Oz. He's a good ufo.
Random, I know.

I like Kai. Meep. ...I like Kai.
Both Kai's actually. Supreme Kai and Kai from Beyblade.

^o) where's Marty? Haven't been online for a while.

Gollyness. That's gloomy
That's life.

I still want the Beyblade manga. Dangness.

'Kayness. Giving up writing now. Not going to bed, though. Don't feel like it. And not -that- tired anyway. So, yeahness. Write later.
This sure is a strange entry. O.o

Btw. I know someone who suck. Poop head. *sigh* Kai and Marty knows whom I'm talking about.
That's all, folks. Laters.

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