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2005-06-24 - 4:34 a.m.

Of course. Rain. Rain, mist... your everyday average clouds. What else?
There's not gonna be a summer this summer, huh?

Boy, not making me less optimistic either.

I'm looking forward to the sleepover, though. I'll be neat. I know I had a swell time during the previous one. Made me feel... free..ish. And happy.
Q's a neat friend.

I guess it's midsummer now or something.

This apartment smells.

Tra-la-la. I wish the fun part of summer could begin soon. The middle part is pretty decent.
The end rocks. Why can't it be august?
Kainess and Martyness. I want it.

I watched two Buffy. I guess I'll sleep now. I suppose I'm tired. Doesn't matter though... does it? Felt like that even before the Buffy part. I'm always tired. Being tired doesn't mean sleep for me anymore. Why should it? Why should that be my cue to sleep?
Tiredness is just... boring parts of your day.

Unless I basically collapse I don't sleep because I am tired. I sleep because I have nothing better to do.
It just means I did everything fun that is possible in one day.

That is my cue.

In which I suppose; I'll go to sleep now.

One thing left. Just want to say hello. I missed her. Only been a couple of days. But I missed her.

That's all.

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