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2005-10-18 - 01:42 a.m.

Well, heya.
I'm back again. I decided to update more often now.
If this entry is new to you, I advice you to go to the two previous pages and read those entries as well.

See, it's kind of late and they changed the time for Beyblade to 7.35 a.m. Those bastards.
So I should sleep. But insane as I am.. I defy sleep. I'm going to watch a Buffy episode instead. Like I did yesterday. I'm on the 11:th episode of season one. Oh... *just realizes herself* I'm on the 11:th. Then it's only two more of this season. *sneaky* Maybe I should watch both then.
Yeah, anyway. I'm going to watch the whole serie again.
1. Because it is fun. (Duh; I'm a fan)
2. I need to check all the discs.

China is awesome, but not to be trusted. Since my seasons box comes from there... some of the discs may be evil.
So far the 6:th disc with 'Never Kill a Boy On the First Date' and 'The Pack' is the only one not working.
...Oh, no. Wait. The end of 'The puppet show' is also evil.
But that's not a problem. Sure, it's not especially nice. But the box was uber-cheap. What do you expect?
I will just download the missing episodes.

*shifty eyes*
But I didn't come here to talk about Buffy.
Actually I came here to talk about Beyblade--

I'm sorry. It's just that my inner fangirl is starting to get all giddy. Last time Beyblade was aired I missed the one episode I wanted to see the most. I've heard so much about it. And then I miss it! Argh!
So, now.. it's exactly one weeks to go. Seven days. Then it's time to break the ice!

'Breaking the Ice' is the episode.
Everything starts with the Kai-leaving-drama. When they get to Russia (which they finally did in today's episode) everything gets really interesting.
Kai gets manipulated, leaves his team to join the Blitzkrieg Boys (awesome team) goes slightly evil and...
..Basically joins forces to try to take over the world. (Power is also crack!!!)

It was during/after the episode 'Losing Kai' that I became a fan of the pairing TyKa. I mean.. COME ON. It's so canon!
I had to surrender to the obvious.
(Ultimate TyKa songs for this period of time: My December - Linking Park, Listen to Your Heart - DHT, Million Tears - Groove Coverage)

Poor Tyson cries so much over Kai while the others are just cranky.
He saves Kai in the end... in more ways than one. In 'Breaking the Ice' he literally saves his life. <3 Naw.

Then this happens: (Fear Glay's awesome drawing skills!)

I swear that really happens in the series!!!!
....It just happens to be off screen. *shifty eyes*

*sighs happily*
Seven days to go.

Yes, and then. Update.
I never mentioned that I bought new shoes a few days ago. They are kind of boots-like and they're really awesome. Well, at least I think so... obviously. Or else I wouldn't've bought them.
Oh, and my mother and I bought new lamps. Looks like twigs from a tree with little lights on them. It's real pretty :3

and for those who missed it...
I adore Fushigi Yuugi and have done so a while.
I'm so in love with Tamahome.

I also have my very own coke lime now. I will drink a bit of it soon and go hyper. (Hyper as in watching-Buffy&Angel-one-thirty-A-M-drooling-over-pwetty-girls-and-hunky-guys-and-longing-for-the-uber-nice-beyblade-episode-while-drinking-soda-with-slight-caffeine-in-it. Nothing else. 'Cause that's who I am and stuff.)

Right, thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment.

Err, bye.

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