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2006-04-07 - 12:10 a.m.

So, I'm dying now.

Going to uppcon in less than... whatever hours. I dunno.
But I'm gonna have to get up in four. Yes, I'm already up. Or, more like... I haven't gone to bed yet. OR... I did once actually. I can't fall asleep. Life a bitch.

I should really go try again. Maybe I'm more tired now.

GOSH! I get to see CAN soon! Thihihi...

Oh, yeah. Woot. I'll be gone when Kai comes home. How random.
EnglishDoode coming here on monday evening. Yay.

Urgh... evil nerves.
Breakdown. Mental. Close... to.

Eek XD EnglishDoode came online. Yay... maybe he can calm me down a little. Plus, I get a chance to talk to him a bit more. It was so stressy before.

And Q bribed me with a Buffy/Faith drabble... so now I got an LJ. Sneaky, ne?

Anyway. I need to go.
/teh Mac

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