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2006-04-02 - 12:07 a.m.

Yeah, so it seems Kai went off to Costa Rica.
How randomly insane isn't that?

Apparently she's going with her spanish class. Intah neat?
She'll be gone a week. Left yesterday. Woot... She'll be missed.
She promised to torture me with pictures when she got back xp; looking forward to that.

I wanted to go see Q (and Mitsu-chan?) this weekend. But I couldn't. That's sad. So now I won't get to see them for quite a while. Gah.

Hey, less that a week till Uppcon now. The hyperness kicked in earlier today. Oh, gosh. Also... seems I won't have to stay the night at the airport. I'm going to camp out at Can's place.
(Yay, I get to meet Can again *glomps*)

So (changing topic)... I need to reload my TyKa batteries. I have to read some fanfic or something. It's been way too long. I read a lemon just the other day.
Posted at kaitaka... called "Tyson's getting dirrty"
Rawr... Fun plot... ends up with Tyson having to put on a little show because of a dare. (truth or dare plots are classical after all)
Dude, I agree with one comment. "I wish it was on video!"

I also watched more of the Fushigi Yuugi OVA eps. Neat...
Still, the original is better. But.. Neat enough. Three episodes to go now. I so want to rewatch the serie again after that!
But before that... I think I'm going to rewatch Fruits Basket. Hm, random. Yeah and I shouldn't rewatch anything really. There's plenty of new things I need to watch.
Not to talk about my reading. I so need to read a lot of books... But instead I always end up reading old ones again.

First of all I need to read the rest of Narnia in english so I can return them to Q. (Thanks for lending them to me XD just kick me if you want some of them back... I'm a slow reader)

Did I mention... ER? Yeah, I like it. Some people might say that I'm totally hooked on it.
In a way I suppose I am. But it's not like that. I forget to watch it all the time... and during the rerun I always do stuff like talking over skype, chatting and such things. So I sort of don't understand anything that's happening. xp I always miss half of it because my mind is elsewhere.
So it's not really a big priority in life. Not like Buffy... Dude, I killed my tv for Buffy!
During the time in my life when I had twisted day and night around more extreme than ever... I slept all day and one time I woke up at six pm... when Buffy is at five. I missed it with just a few minutes.

My mom always used to tell me to hit a pillow if I got angry. But what good does that do? That doesn't get it out of your system.
So... I took the large blue glass from my bedside table (empty, yes) and I threw it as hard as I could. It hit the floor and it smashed with the loudest crash I've ever heard.
Bits and pieces flew everywhere. One shard hit the screen of the television, and it being such a heavy glass... it actually broke the glass of the screen. So now there's a little white dot on the tv because a bit of the glass is missing there.

I cried outta disappointment and anger...
Yet... Yes, YET... there's always a rerun of the episode at night. Only about nine hours away, that is.

Now, my friends... THAT'S obsessive.

ER did make me break the remote, though. But there were circumstances, and I was pissed before that happened. It really wasn't the same situation.

Anyway, yeah. That's just silly. Seriously...
Sometimes I shouldn't say words.

(Yay, Can soon!
Eh, what? I didn't say anything)

English doode and I are going ice skating. I have a bad feeling about it. (EEK! That makes me think of 'what's my line', too! ...random ppl; don't ask. and Q; OMGSQUEE that's such a cwute moment!)
Yeah and I had this awful dream yesterday. I dreamt that I came home late from Uppcon... But still not late enough for his flight, mind you.
Yet we (mom and I) were late by fourty minues when picking him up. Blargh... I felt so bad... I can't even begin to imagine what he must've felt in that dream when we didn't come to pick him up. I guess he really thought we wouldn't come at all. Horrible I tell you. And stressy.

Yes, yes!
But anyway... I guess I should run along and do something useful now. I'm not sure what that would be.
But I'll think of something I'm sure.

/Suzaku no Mac~o
(Suzaku no Miko [Priestess of Suzaku]instead of Miko... Mac~o... get it? MY name... With an o... ...Hah... Hah...
Sometimes I shouldn't say words)


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