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2004-09-10 - 08:42 p.m.

I am messed up. Messed up, messed up, messed up.

She died. Why?

My thoughts are racing. Racing in the sense of not moving, not even existing. But still.

Hear hear! Must love the logic

You can relax. Hold your horses. Calm down. Sit down and take a deep breath. I'm not talking about a real person. Horaaay. That makes everything all right. Yah. I'm talking about a character in Buffy.

It was just a bad timing. I don't mean to com-... or maybe I do? I'm just saying, I feel messed up as it is already. This episode just got me down even lower. Now I'm all grumblish and depressed. I am messed up. Though, I guess you heard me the first fifty times.

Some of my own stuff came up, as well. But mostly... blah!

I cried my eyes out. I even had to go sneeze. It's a crazy world we live in...

It brought back memories. And I'm telling you. It wasn't about potatoes and wine, nor was it about a white Christmas. Kinda figured, huh?

Meep. I need tea. I know a had a few cups already. But I think I'm in titled to another one because of big trauma.

*leaves to make tea*

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