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2006-04-25 - 7:33 p.m.

So, I'm back home.

ED came here... EnglishDoode that is. Yeah... and Uppcon pwned so much.

The cosplay contest was awesome... the amv that one the amv contest pwned... and basically everything pwned.

Sadly enough I'm gonna become such a LJ whore... and I'm going to write more about it there I think.
But yeah. I just can't give up poor little diaryland. It's all too cute.

ED was odd... so am I, though. Q and Mitsu-chan met him. It was fun.
Lots of misunderstandings and gay porn. (don't ask...)

I'm totally still in love with ER too... yeah, well. I suck. Shoot me.

Another anime show thingie coming up too.

Aand~ I'll tell you more later.
Now... LJ here I come!

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