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2006-12-01 - 5:50 a.m.

Hi guys!

Because, I'm all about the new modern stuff. Livejournal.

Oh wow. I love this song. *crashes volume*

I'm sitting here at six a.m. listening to the radio.
There is no Kai. There is no one...

There is no moon outside the window, there's no ice. No snow.
No big long shadows casted from the buildings on the snow covered ice. There's no urge to go for a morning walk.

But there's Roger, Titti and Gert.
I may be in a different apartment, be a different person... But there's still the same radio program and part of the feeling is still there.
I will always remember.

One last all nighter with the radio and
Then there won't even be a

I wish things could just stay the same way... All the time.

I miss everything. I miss what my life used to be...

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